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Significant Changes to Instagram and Facebook

Facebook  is entering a tough transition period where it won’t take chances around data privacy in the wake of the Cambridge Analytica fiasco. That’s why it’s moving up the shut down of part of the Instagram API. It’s significantly…
Podcasting tools shown with On-Air highlighted

The What, Why and How of Podcasting

Okay, time for a pop quiz: Which content marketing tactic can hold an audience’s attention for a half hour or more at a time? Which tactic inspires an audience to subscribe to your content and make a regular appointment to consume…
Picture of iPad with words "Video Marketing" on it

Why Video is Important for Growing Your Small Business

The average person will spend over five years of their life on social media. That’s more time than we will spend eating or socializing. In that time, we could fly to the moon and back 32 times or watch the Simpsons series 215 times - whichever…
What Small Businesses Need to Learn From Facebook Insights

Small Business Guide to Facebook Insights [Infographic]

A business can hardly be taken seriously these days if it doesn't have a Facebook page, but just putting up a page isn't enough. Marketers who want to get the most out of Facebook understand that they need to keep up with how their pages are…
Image of Chess Board

Content Marketing is King…..And It’s Your Move

It is no secret that content marketing on a website, much like the king in a chess game, carries a great deal of power and value—in fact, it is the difference between winning or losing the game. But if all the pawns remain immobilized…
Picture of mobile device showing Instagram and Instagram on Desktop

Things Your Competitors Do to Increase Instagram Engagement

Have you checked out your competitor on Instagram recently and noticed how well their posts are performing? Almost every post is flooded with engagement. They’re getting hundreds of likes and comments, while you struggle to get even a handful…
Woman engaging with social media on a iPad

What Is Social Media Engagement & Why Should I Care?

For numerous businesses, social media is a noisy and jam-packed place to try and build brand awareness. And the idea of social media management is overwhelming for some small businesses and organizations because there’s simply too much that…
Sign on store door that says Come in We're Open

Costly Mistakes That Sabotage A Business’s Local Search Presence (And How To Fix Them)

More customers are actively searching for small businesses online than ever before. Google processes over 3.5 billion search queries per day, over half of which take place on mobile devices. That’s a lot of on-the-go mobile shoppers looking…
Hand extended showing Social Media Marketing

Advantages of Social Media Marketing for Your Business

Social networks are now a substantial part of every marketing strategy, and the benefits of using social media marketing are so great that anyone not implementing this cost-effective resource is missing out on a phenomenal marketing opportunity. About…
Woman at laptop hands up in frustration over doing social media herself

Can a Digital & Social Marketing Agency Grow Your Business?

The explosion of social media has driven companies to put a big focus on social media marketing over the past few years. As a small to medium-sized business owner, you've probably thought or had a discussion in your company at one point or another…
Blue Arrow with Words Social Media Makreting

Why Using Social Media As A Marketing Tool Is Essential In 2021!

Some business owners still believe that social media is merely gossiping and hanging out on Facebook. But, once again, social media for business has nothing to do with simply hanging out on social media. But using social media marketing gives…
Mobile Phone with words Content Marketing

Social Media Tip for 2018: Content Marketing Really Does Work – INFOGRAPHIC

If you're unfamiliar with content marketing, here's a simple definition from Google: "A type of marketing that involves the creation and sharing of online material…that does not explicitly promote a brand but is intended to stimulate interest…
Rank on Google Cover

How to Rank Faster on Google

You want to know what millions of online business owners want to know about getting seen: How long does it take to rank well in Google? What does it take to type faster on Google? Getting that coveted page 1, position 1, page rank (and keeping…
Icons of Locations to Have a Online Presence

5 Reasons Why Having an Online Presence Is Essential for Your Small Business

Having an online presence increases accessibility for your clients or consumers. It’s an effortless way for them to browse prices and hours and compare all these factors with your competition with a simple click. And it’s important that…
How Social Media and Search Work Together

Why Your Online Content Needs Both Social and Search Optimization

Optimized and socialized online content is essential for reaching information-hungry, multi-tasking audiences bombarded with new messages every day. For brands to be prominent on the search and social web for their customers, they’ll need…
Email Marketing in McKinney TX

Email Marketing: Best Days and Times to Market With Email

From creating copy to the best time to hit send, email marketing is not an easy task, but there are certain things you can do to help make your campaign successful. If you really want to get your email opened and read, one of the most important…

Social Media Strategies That Win Customers

Social media marketing for business is here to stay. According to Moz, a well-known SEO consulting company, "72% of online adults use social networking sites." (https://moz.com/blog/category/social-media.) Want a crash course in social media…
Social Media for Small Business Owners

5 Ways Small Businesses Can Improve Their Social Media Presence

If you are like most small business owners, undoubtedly, you have a busy schedule. There always seems to be a never-ending list of things to do that will help your company succeed. One of the many items on the list is probably to spend time…
Graphic showing Instagram logo and how to use in content marketing in McKinney, TX

8 Ways to Use Instagram for Business – INFOGRAPHIC

Using Instagram for business is an effective way to help connect to current and potential clients, reinforce your brand, and expand your reach as a business. With over 200 million monthly active users, and over 1.6 billion likes happening on…
10 Benefits of Social Media Marketing

10 Reasons Why Social Media Is Your Startup Marketing Plan’s Greatest Weapon

By now, the power of social media is well known within the business world. The ability to connect directly to an audience in such a personal way has been an incredible advancement for companies of all sizes, whether they work on a local, national,…