Luce Media - Digital Agency & Social Media Marketing McKinney, Frisco, Plano, Dallas

Create a Killer Content Marketing Campaign by Going Beyond the Written Word

Content marketing is an essential consideration for any business hoping to build a robust online presence today. Chances are good that when you think of content marketing, you picture techniques like blogging, social media posts, creating reports…
Social Engagement

10 Steps On The Rules Of Engagement in Social Media

Standing apart frоm a сrоwd thrоugh ѕосiаl mеdiа will always be аn imроrtаnt part оf уоur digital marketing strategy. Sосiаl Media nеtwоrkѕ are constantly grоwing with nеw uѕеrѕ аnd nеw buѕinеѕѕеѕ, not to…
Title image: What Happens in an Internet Minute

What Happens In An Internet Minute

Did you know that every 60 seconds, around 700,000 hours of videos are being watched on the internet? And more than 400 hours of videos get uploaded to YouTube? How about 46,740 photos are posted on Instagram every minute. During the same measure…
Image: picture says Digital Marketing and shows all forms of digital marketing

Tips for Salespeople to Better Understand Digital Marketing

Most people in the digital space know that Gary Vaynerchuk is a brilliant entrepreneur who knows a ton about Digital Marketing.  He has written a post that I wish all my clients and prospective clients would read.  Here it is: I guess what…
ROI of Social Media

The ROI of Social Media

ROI is the sum of all social media activities that create value. Your return may vary. Rеturn оn social media invеѕtmеnt iѕ mеаѕurеd in mаnу wауѕ.  Sосiаl media rеԛuirеѕ time, рlаnning, ѕсhеduling and оrgаnizing…
Picture showing building money with Social Media

Four Steps to Drive Revenue From Social Media

Thе оthеr dау, I wаѕ liѕtеning tо a роdсаѕt аnd thе ԛuеѕtiоn wаѕ аѕkеd if SEO iѕ ѕtill relevant. Thе thоught wаѕ thаt with thе imроrtаnсе оf ѕосiаl mеdiа in уоur mаrkеting, should уоu invеѕt…
Forms of Social Media Engagement

Social Media Metrics: The Most Important Analytics To Measure Engagement

Are you using the right social media metrics and analytics tools to monitor, assess and improve your social media performance? What analytics are you measuring and what should you be measuring in your social media tracking? Monitoring…

Hashtags and Filters: Cultivating a Corporate Instagram Presence

It’s no surprise to anyone that Instagram has become one of the most effective strategies for growing and marketing your business. Cultivating a social media presence is one of the best ways to engage your audience and triple your sales.…
Why We Engage on Facebook

Why We Engage on Facebook

Do you start and end every single day by scrolling through your Facebook newsfeed and seeing what your friends are up to? If your answer is YES - It turns out you are not alone––statistically, most people probably do the same thing. Almost…
man with iPhone

How The iPhone Changed Visual Communication

iPhone 10th Anniversary: How the iPhone Changed Visual Communication Via The Shutterstock Blog.
Facebook word with emoticons

Just How Dominant is Facebook? The Numbers Speak For Themselves

When people think of Facebook as a company, they mostly think of it synonymously with Facebook, the social network. However, Facebook Inc. is much more than that, as this chart nicely illustrates. With WhatsApp, Instagram, and the namesake Facebook…
Social media text

Ways Small Businesses Can Improve Their Social Media Presence

With the growth of more and more social platforms, it is a reminder to many small business owners that they need to be part of the social media evolution. But which network? Snapchat? Facebook? Instagram? All the above? At Lucé Media, we…
Woman looking at cell phone

$10 Billion Dollars Lost – Bad Online Data

  A friend recently returned from vacation, and we were discussing the good times she had. Since we are both in the digital space - the talk eventually led in that direction and how digital impacted her vacation. One of her comments: "I…
The best times to post to social media to get the most engagement
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“Post, Pin, & Tweet”: Best Times To Post To Social Media?

Everyone is looking for the answer to that question of most importance in social media - when is the best time to post content?  Our answer - and the truth - it depends. You've spent all this time searching for or creating your content and…
Reporter Working on Social Media

Social Media Coaching and Training

Here is something that is going to help your career....guaranteed!  We all know the realities of today mean that journalists of all types must embrace social media. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other social platforms continue to dramatically…
Ipad Social

The Generational Divide in Todays News Consumption

Some people like to stay on top of the news cycle throughout the day by checking Twitter, Facebook, and their favorite news websites. Others prefer to be served to select the day’s important happenings by the evening news on TV. Whether you…
Digital Flowing Thru Hand

Latest Social Media Stats 2017 – For Those Keeping Track

So here are some new numbers for those of you keeping track of Social Media. Approximately 2 billion internet users are using social networks, and these figures are still expected to grow as mobile device usage and mobile social networks increasingly…
Social Media Marketing

4 Steps to a Strong Social Media Marketing Strategy

We want to help you take advantage of all that social media can do for your business. There are well-researched methods that deliver great social marketing. Here are just a few components of an excellent social media marketing strategy: …
Luce Media - Digital Agency & Social Media Marketing McKinney, Frisco, Plano, Dallas

Social Media Fears Be Gone

In today's B2B competitive world, there is a daily hand-to-hand battle almost to gain market share. Growing your business today and grabbing a larger share of the market has turned into nothing short of guerilla warfare. Companies need to use…
Social Media Engagement

Why Is “Engagement” The Most Important Social Media Metric Of All?

Social Media Engagement is referred to by many as the single most important social media metric. At Lucé Media, we believe that and preach it from every mountain top we can. First, however, let's make clear everyone knows what defines Social…