Social Media: It’s All About The Images
Why are images so important to the Social Media Scene?
Social media marketing has evolved significantly over the past few years, and staying up-to-date on trends is crucial for success. One of the biggest trends is image-centric marketing rather than traditional text-based.
Humans are visual creatures and the way we interact with imagery online is no exception. Your website and social media platforms should have consistent, high-quality imagery that effectively showcases your products or services. This will help ensure that your audience is actually engaging with and absorbing your content. If you’re looking for ways to succeed in social media marketing in McKinney, Luce Media is here to help with any and all of your social media needs. We can ensure you are getting the most out of your social accounts for your business.
Humans: We are visual beings
Of all human communication, 93% is visual. Two-thirds of all stimuli reach the brain through the visual system. Our brain processes visual information 60,000 times faster than text alone. Think how often you’re scrolling through your own feed and continue right past a text post, but pause at a photo, graphic, or video.
Between 65 and 85 percent of people describe themselves as visual learners. This means they digest information more easily by viewing an image instead of reading text. Understanding this phenomenon can help optimize your social media marketing campaign and give you an edge over competitors who mainly publish written content.
As mentioned before people are visual beings. Online consumers can retain only 10 to 20% of the information they read or hear about. However, once that information is paired with visual elements, the retention rate suddenly goes up to 65%. Posts with visuals (images and video) receive 94% more page visits and engagements than those without. A good visual is crucial for expressing an idea quickly and effectively getting through all the clutter that we experience everyday – online and in real life. Another example, Facebook posts with images typically received more than twice as many comments as those without.
Get Straight to the Point
Most people have a limited attention span. In an information age where data can quickly become overwhelming, people have to pick and choose among plenty of content options. This has resulted in many people skimming through content looking for something compelling or relevant.
When there’s a long winded post with nothing but text, it will turn many visitors off because they simply don’t have time to read through it. However, incorporating images is a natural way to grab attention. Better yet – including images with important data is even better. It’s the perfect motivating force to encourage visitors to stick around and explore content in greater detail.
People can quickly make up their minds about a business based on their social media profiles. Make sure you don’t turn people away on the first visit. 67% of consumers consider a clear, detailed image to be more reliable and carry more weight than product information or customer ratings. Think of it this way, why just tell someone about your product or service when you can show them?
If you’re a small business owner looking to optimize your online visibility in Mckinney, Frisco, or Plano, be sure to take a look at our blog explaining why it is so important to be digitally active by clicking here.
Quality Images Are Always Best
What kind of image you post also matters. While a good visual can grab your customer’s attention, a bad one can cause them to dismiss your content completely. What’s considered bad? It really depends, but images that are blurry, pixelated, or have that “stock image” feel can really put people off.
Don’t just throw anything up for the sake of having a visual. It’s important to make sure it’s good quality and relevant to your brand.
Consistently using good visuals with your content can help ensure your customers are engaging with your content. And ensure they’re not scrolling right past it. It will help your business feel more professional and legitimate in your customer’s eye.
Visual elements, such as images, videos, infographics and other are undeniably more interesting and appealing to social media users and online consumers. Implementing visual content into your social media marketing will not only improve views, engagement and social following, but it will also help your content attract the right kind of attention. It will also majorly boost engagement from your target audience. Take a look at how small businesses in Mckinney are using social media marketing by clicking here.
While you are honing your image and infographic-crafting skills, you need to be able to track the reach, likes, shares of your creations to see what types are well received. That way you’ll be able to boost your social media presence and get the jumpstart your company needs. Here at Luce Media we can take care of that for you easily and ensure you have optimal online visibility for your business. Give us a call at (469)-907-1057. Luce Media has deep expertise in Digital Marketing, B2B Marketing, Internet Marketing and is a well-established Digital Media Consultant in McKinney, TX.