Email Marketing: Best Days and Times to Market With Email
From creating copy to the best time to hit send, email marketing is not an easy task, but there are certain things you can do to help make your campaign successful.
If you really want to get your email opened and read, one of the most important things is to send it at the best time. Depending on who your target market is will help you determine the right time to blast off your message.
For B2B emails aimed at entrepreneurs and workaholics (basically people who check their email all day), the weekend is the best time to send emails. Out of any other day of the week, Saturdays yield the highest open and click-through rates.
If your market is more general and you’re reaching people who work nine-to-five and don’t check their email as often after work, your best bet is to send emails in the middle of the week on Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday. Unlike entrepreneurs or workaholics, these people are less likely to check their emails on the weekend.
Image courtesy of Propeller.