Social Media Coaching and Training

Reporter Working on Social Media

Here is something that is going to help your career….guaranteed!  We all know the realities of today mean that journalists of all types must embrace social media. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other social platforms continue to dramatically change news gathering and sharing. Journalists today are required to have a strong Social Media presence to promote their content to audiences everywhere. In fact, how you perform in Social Media may be a key ingredient of your employment agreement, your ability to get promoted or even make more money.

So how do you succeed in this rapidly changing social media environment? How do you stay connected, engaged and become an effective multi-platform journalist?

Icons for Social MediaLucé Media announces the creation of a Social Media coaching and training program providing you Social Media intelligence for your own personal brand. This is an ongoing, annual partnership designed to help you become more effective in social media by being more efficient.  Our mission is to educate, empower and build your capability as a multi-platform journalist so you can be an even greater success in your career. I don’t know if you’ve thought much about it – but all that work you put into Social Media should have a positive and rewarding impact on what you do every day as a journalist and a long-term positive impact on your career. For instance, it might prepare you for the next big job, or get you promoted even faster or even make more money. Our goal is to help fast-track your career and Social Media efforts by providing you with the tools, techniques, and a clear, easy to understand personal action plan for Social Media success.

The Lucé Media Coaching and Training program includes a customized social media strategy for individual journalists, online reputation management, tactics on becoming an influencer, content strategies, personal customized social media analytics, and more. The partnership will help you establish a dynamic presence on the key social platforms: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, etc. How do you do this?  Simple. We start with a timeline that suits you to give you feedback on your current efforts, show you how you are currently performing in social media compared to other journalists in your shop AND at your competitors.

  • A personalized program designed specifically for you. Monthly calls via Skype or Phone to talk about your personal growth in social media. Given the hundreds of emails you receive – together we will set up the best form of communication so you get help when you need it.
  • Quarterly, in-depth strategy calls to gauge your growth and influence and create the next set of goals to move you forward.
  • Tracking your progress – you are provided with a customized monthly report highlighting the growth you have shown over the previous month.
  • The coaching and training program provides you with a deep understanding of the latest social media tools, tricks, and techniques making you a better anchor, reporter, or writer.
  • Your own personal “Content Farm”.  A text message sent out when you need it (early afternoon, mid-morning, you decide) with 2-3 ready to go posts that will generate engagement on your social platforms.  Simply cut and paste and you will significantly increase your efforts in social.
  • You also get a bi-monthly newsletter featuring the latest developments in social for the news business. It will show you examples of highly engaging news posts, sharing practical advice for managing your own social accounts, and a social media superstar of the week.
  • An open phone line to me when you need motivation, feedback, ideas or just a little push.
  • Special video interviews with the news industry’s social media experts and influencers.
  • Your subscription includes access to dozens of “How To” videos on each social platform.
Founder and CEO Mark Toney

Mark Toney

Mark Toney brings his 25-years as a successful veteran of news management to you. He has an accomplished track record of building winning stations in the top markets in the country. For the past decade, he has helped dozens of local news outlets become successful on a variety of platforms. He’s an author, public speaker; digital entrepreneur, national presenter and thought leader. Mark has created and launched six digital and social media companies in the past 15 years.  Two of his current ventures deal specifically with social media metrics and content. He has provided digital counsel and successful social strategies for clients such as ABC Owned Stations, NBC Owned Stations, Scripps, Raycom, NBC Sports, Comcast Sports, Fortune 500 companies as well as digital startup companies.

Mark’s reputation is that of a no-nonsense, easy to understand, straight shooter with a common-sense approach that gets results.  Known as a cutting edge innovator, Mark brings his front line experience and forward thinking that will help your social media efforts and career grow. He is the author of the book The Amazing Guide to Social Media Metrics and How to Be More Engaging. Mark provides you a strong understanding of the social media space as well as help you create an individual action plan to make you a successful journalist. He has access to thousands of successful posts by journalists around the country to share with his clients.

To get a FREE initial analysis including real-time metrics on your own Social Media performance – click here.

For more information on the Social Media Training and Coaching program for Journalists – send an email to