Social Media Tip for 2018: Content Marketing Really Does Work – INFOGRAPHIC

Mobile Phone with words Content Marketing

If you’re unfamiliar with content marketing, here’s a simple definition from Google: “A type of marketing that involves the creation and sharing of online material…that does not explicitly promote a brand but is intended to stimulate interest in its products or services.” So why does it matter?

For increased web traffic, a growth in leads, more loyal customers, and that spike in revenue in 2018, a closer look at your content strategy is necessary.

If you are a small to medium and even large business and aren’t already paying attention to content marketing, you may be making a mistake. 86% of B2B marketers –– nearly 9 in 10 –– use a content marketing strategy, and the same is true for 77% of B2C marketers.

Some more numbers for you: Why do content marketing? 72% of marketers worldwide say relevant content creation is the most effective SEO tactic, and most B2B marketers allocate almost a third of their budgets to content marketing.
Graphic showing list of reasons marketers have not done content marketing

Whether it’s blog content, videos, or viral campaigns, businesses and consumers alike seek engaging online content.

One example of content marketing’s success: Companies that publish at least 16 blog posts a month get three-and-a-half times more traffic than companies that publish 0-4 monthly posts.

Now that you know why content marketing is important learn more about tools that can improve visitor loyalty.

Content marketing is a small business’s best method for acquiring customers since it doesn’t require a huge budget. However, according to various reports, big brands like Apple, Facebook, and Google are also investing significant dollars in original content. So, consistent and original content is all the rage — for all types of business.

So, if your business is determined to keep producing high-quality, relevant content consistently, you might consider recruiting help by hiring a content team. Luce Media specializes in Content Marketing. Our strategists have a combined 25 years of experience creating great content at the national, regional, and local levels. Let us provide you with a free analysis of your 2018 marketing strategy.

Contact Luce Media today to discuss a content marketing strategy that will work for you. or call us at 214-938-2364.


Infographic on reasons marketers should use more Content Marketing