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How to Turn a Single Blog Post Into a Month’s Worth of Content Marketing

Picture of Blog Post on Laptop Computer

Creating high-quality marketing content on a regular basis can be tricky for any business. Here’s how to make a month’s worth of it from a single blog post.

CREDIT: Getty Images

As an already busy entrepreneur running the day-to-day operations of your business, it can get easy to neglect one of the most important aspects of your brand’s long-term success: online marketing.

When it comes to the online marketing world, the success or failure of the entire operation relies on you creating amazing online content (in some way, shape, or form) and then making sure relevant people consume that content.

Why create content in the first place? 

The short, raw answer is that all of your competitors are doing it. In fact, creating quality marketing content has become a prerequisite as opposed to being a competitive advantage. So, if you don’t get a head start on SEO and social media marketing now, five years from now, you’ll risk being as far behind your competitors as brands that thought websites were “just a fad” back in the early 2000s.

On top of that, it’s been found that 88 percent of customers today start their buying process by researching brands online before making a decision, proving just how integral content marketing and having a solid online presence is to your company’s bottom line.

Here’s the problem, though: creating high-quality content is very time-consuming — and as a business owner, you’ve already got enough to worry about. That being said, if you strategically plan your content and get the most from it by creatively republishing it across multiple platforms, you can save yourself massive amounts of time and headaches. Here’s how to do it.

How to repurpose like an expert.

  1. To start, write an in-depth blog post answering a question your industry would love to know the answer to. Because you’ll be posting less often using this strategy, the article should be very in-depth, so aim for a word count longer than 1,500 words.
  2. Next, share the blog post in your email newsletter. As a brand, no matter how strong your social media or web presence is, you should always have an active email newsletter sent to your subscribers. Social media platforms come and go, search engine algorithms change a single year, but email addresses change far less frequently.
  3. Once you have your post, you have tons of social content at your fingertips with Tweets alone — particularly with quote tweets, which simply copy and paste pieces of the post into Tweets along with a link back to the article. Space these Tweets out across the month. Additionally, to ensure everyone gets the chance to see and read it, share your blog post across all your social media channels one to two times per week throughout the month.
  4. Using the information covered in your blog post, create an eye-popping infographic to share on Pinterest and Instagram, where this type of content does very well. Not an expert graphic designer? Don’t worry — try using a tool like Canva, which has tons of pre-made templates for graphics and icons, which can help make creating killer graphics a whole lot easier.
  5. Throughout the process of creating your blog post and infographic, document the journey with behind-the-scenes footage using Instagram Stories. This can be unfiltered material like your first whiteboard session, a screen capture of you pressing “publish” on your blog, or something else related. 
  6. After that, create a how-to, tutorial-style video using your blog post as an outline. Then, post it to YouTube, Linked In, Twitter and Facebook. If you want to take it a step further, you can break the video down into small segments and publish those clips across Instagram as well.
  7. Last but not least, you can bolster viewer engagement by hosting Q&A sessions using live video on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. The sessions can give your audience the opportunity to ask you any questions they have on the material you covered in the blog post.

And there you have it — a month’s worth of content created from a single blog.

Finding time for creating content in your already busy schedule can be difficult and overwhelming. Yet, by following the repurposing strategy laid out in this article and being intentional with every move you make, you’ll be able to consistently create social media content with minimal effort—best of luck.

This was posted originally at: https://www.inc.com/dakota-shane/how-to-turn-a-single-blog-post-into-a-months-worth-of-content-marketing.html